Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Time Management

I have never been great at planning my time. My problem seems to be in the execution because I can make one heck of a to-do list complete with alotted times for each priority. But as my days go on it never seems to work out the way I planned. I think there are many ways to manage time, its just a matter of finding what works best for you. Im big on routines. The more and more I become comfortable with a routine the easier it is to manage my time. This is one reason I want to be a teacher so bad. I love the routine. Being a teacher undoubtedly means a full day everyday. I also think that taking on too much is unhealthy. I think time to relax and breathe, or time to yourself is vital to stay sane in this world. So for me when I become a teacher, I have to find the balance of being efficient but leaving myself enough time to gather my thoughts and stay organized. Organization is another aspect of time management. Being unorganized automatically means a hectic schedule. Ive found planners to be my life savor, so I expect to keep quite a few once I become a teacher! Now the trick is putting all the aspects of time management together. Good luck to us all :-)

1 comment:

  1. omg! planners are amazing!
    I completly agree with you, sometimes it seemes like no matter how fantastic your to-do list is, it just doesn't seem to happen....but just imagine how hetic your life would be without that to-do list. I too love routine, knowing what to expect and when to expect it. I think one of the most exciting things about being a teacher is that the schedule may be incredibly routine, but what happens during that time can be extrememly unexpected. You plan and plan your lesson, but you never know how it's going to turn out, and how the students are going to respond...which is keeps things exciting. This is why time management is so important, so you are prepared to take on anything!
