Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I was actually surprised to hear about all the tools that Ms. Johnson (my co-op teacher) uses for assessment in school. I have to say that the assessment aspect of teaching is the most intimidating aspect for me. Im hoping that I will become more comfortable with different assessment strategies as time goes on. Ms. Johnson used everything from running records to assessment tools the district used. It seemed as though each of them was very important to her. She did not focus on one over another. Some she did everyday, others were every couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Assessment is very intimidating!
    It sounds like you are really lucky to have a teacher who uses many different forms of assessment. I believe that it very important to not rely on one type of assessment. Children learn in different ways, and so it is only fair that they are able to have many different ways to share their knowledge.
